Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Shot List

Shot 1- Low angle shot of the group of teenagers shoes running 
Shot 2- long shot of the teenagers running past
Shot 3- Extreme long shot of the killer in the distance
Shot 4- POV eye-line match of teenagers seeing train station
Shot 5- Tracking shot of the boys running to catch the train
Shot 6- Low angle shot of the boys running down the stairs
Shot 7- Panning shot of the boys missing the LAST train.
Shot 8- Extreme close-up of cigarette and lighter in mouth, then fades
Shot 9- From the platform, long shot showing killer, then disappearing.
Shot 10- POV of boy downing a drink
Shot 11- Rewind effect to the beginning of the night 
Shot 12- Cut to dance floor silhouette
Shot 13- Panning close up of people dancing
Shot 14- Quick jump cut to close up of killer stringing the wire
Shot 15- Tilted shot from low to high angle of the side/back of killer 
Shot 16- Extreme long shot of killer walking off
Shot 17- Long shot of teenagers coming out of club, walking to the pub
Shot 17- Medium shot of boys having drinks outside pub
Shot 18- Jump cut Medium close up of the back of the killer hiding
Shot 19- Panning of one boy walking to alleyway to urinate 
Shot 19- Jump cut of boy in corner urinating
Shot 20- Over shoulder shot of the killer approaching victim
Shot 21- POV shot of the killer strangling the boy
Shot 22- Cuts to the boys at the pub
Shot 23- Canted angle, low angle shot of the victim on the floor and killer taking the mask, clothes and taking his beer bottle
Shot 24- Low angle of killer taking boys shoes
Shot 25- Jump cut to killer putting on shoes
Shot 26- Panning from back of killer to front to show him wearing his mask
Shot 27- panning shot of killer walking towards the boys at table
Shot 28- All the boys leaving to go to the off licence
Shot 29- Panning shot of boys walking past alleyway
Shot 30- Eye-line match of one boy notices foot hanging out
Shot 31- Boy pulls out body to reveal his mate
Shot 32- Long shot of the rest of the group walking off
Shot 33- Close-up of boy shouting HELP!
Shot 34- Boys run over to body
Shot 35- Tilted low angle shot of the boys circling the body
Shot 36- Boys look up
Shot 37- over shoulder shot of the boys looking at the killer with the mask on
Shot 38- Medium close up of killer getting out wire
Shot 39- Boys run away
Shot 40- POV through killers mask showing boys running
Shot 41- (Quick, rapid jump cutting) Close up of shoes running, canted angle
Shot 42- Medium long shot Boys running whilst looking back in anguish
Shot 43- Whilst running, one boy looks back and stops to get phone out
Shot 44- Close up of boy looking at phone, then killer comes from behind and kills him
Shot 45- Medium shot of killer towering over the body
Shot 46- Killer steps into the dark
Shot 47- Teenagers running back looking for the other boy trying to phone him
Shot 48- Medium long shot of back of killer as a silhouette, looking down at traffic
Shot 49- cut back to the boys running along the alleyway to the train station (previous rewinded sequence is shown)
shot 50- Boys run back up the stairs (low angle shot)
shot 51- jump cut to the club everybody leaving (long shot)
shot 52- one boy stops to talk to someone asking for help...
shot 53 -other boy walks back into the dance floor POV shot of him in to fog and the light ...
shot 54 -POV shot of the boy getting punched by killer
shot 55- pitch black.
shot 56- long shot of dance floor full with fog... fog clears and killer is towering over the victims body..